杭州师范大学阿里巴巴商学院国际留学生申请指南International Student Application Guideof Alibaba Business School,Hangzhou Normal University
申请条件 / Application Conditions
1. 申请人须为持有效外国护照的非中国籍公民,身体健康,品行良好,愿意遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯;
1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passports and be in good health, and have good behaviors, willing to observe the laws of the government of China, as well as the rules & regulations of the college, and respect customs of China;
2. 取得高中及以上(或同等学历)毕业证书;
2. Diploma: Applicants should own the diploma of high school or above (or equivalent education);
3. 熟练掌握英语听说读写技能,等同于雅思6.0分或托福80分以上(有汉语基础者优先考虑);
3. Skillfully grasp English, able to communicate and write in English, equivalent to IELTS over 6.0 scores/ TOEFL over 80 scores (applicant proficient in Chinese is preferred);
4. 对数字经济、电子商务有浓厚的兴趣。
4. Have a keen interest in digital economy and eCommerce business.
申请及录取程序 / Application and Admission Procedures
1.提交申请材料 / Submit application documents
申请材料发送到邮箱 apply.abs@hznu.edu.cn
Submit the application documents to apply.abs@hznu.edu.cn
2.面试 / Interview
Applicants on interview list will be notified via email in advance.
3.发放录取通知书 / Offer the admission letter
If the applicant receives scholarship, the related information will be indicated in the admission notice.
4.申请材料提交截止日期: 2022年7月31日
Deadline for application: July 31, 2022
奖学金 / Scholarship
The government of China and Alibaba Business School provide scholarship for excellent international students, including Freshman Scholarship and Annual Scholarship.
The Freshman Scholarship will be awarded to excellent applicants to cover the tuition fee for the first year and will be indicated in the admission letter.
The Annual Scholarship will be awarded to students with good performance, all students can apply for it once a year.
相关费用(人民币) / Related Expenses (RMB)
1. 学费:25000元/学年
Tuition fee: 25,000 yuan/academic year
The length of schooling for undergraduate students is usually 4 years. Each academic year is divided into spring semester and autumn semester. Autumn semester is from early September to mid-January, there are four weeks for winter vacation through January to February, including Chinese Spring Festival. Spring semester starts from mid-February to late June. July and August are summer vacation.
2.住宿费: 10,000元/学年(单人间);7,000元/学年(少量小单间)
Accommodation expense: 10,000 yuan/academic year (single room);7,000yuan/academic year (limited numer of small single rooms)
School provides living apartments for international students, equipped with public laundry and kitchen.
3. 保险费:800元/学年
Insurance expense (800 yuan/academic year)
According to the provisions of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, during the study in the region of China, international students must hold a comprehensive insurance (including accident medical insurance, hospitalization insurance, disability insurance, accidental death insurance, etc.).
4. 报名费:400元(仅录取学生需缴费)
Enrollment fee: 400 yuan (Only admitted students need to pay for it)
注 / Note
Due to the uncertainty of the global pandemic, we will adapt our beginning of the semester and teaching for 2022 international students to the actual situation, which will be notified in the admission letter.
Alibaba Business School reserves the right to make all final decisions.
申请材料/Application Documents;
Please submit the following application materials to
1. 入学申请表
International Student Application Form点击以上链接下载并用电脑填写,请勿手工填写,其中“自我介绍”字数应不低于300字
Please click the link above to download,
fill by computer, no hand writing, the Personal Statement: no less than 300 words.
2. 国际护照扫描件
Digital copy of the international passport
3. 高中毕业证书(或同等学历证明)原件扫描件
Digital copy of the high school diploma
(or equivalent certificate)
4. 高中成绩单原件扫描件
Digital copy of the high school transcripts
5. 推荐信
Recommendation Letter
A short self-introduction video (in English or Chinese, with a file size less than 50MB)
Deadline: July 31, 2022
Alibaba Business School reserves the right to
make all final decisions.