•     随着中国电子商务的蓬勃发展,也开始影响到很多海外国家。阿里巴巴商学院作为阿里巴巴集团与杭州本地大学共建的数字经济时代的商学院,感觉到为全球培养数字经济人才是我们不可推卸的责任。从2018年开始,阿里巴巴商学院开始启动国际商务国际班项目,目前已有24个国家,168名海外留学生在阿里巴巴商学院就读。在中国学习期间,他们深刻感受到了数字经济所带来的魅力和发展机会。我们欢迎越来越多的国际学生跟随经济发展的大方向,加入到这个项目里来。

    China’s eCommerce has gained prosperous progress in the past 20 years, and has achieved influence domestically and internationally. As a business school jointly launched by Alibaba Group and Hangzhou Normal University in the digital economy era, Alibaba Business School takes the cultivation of the digital talents for the whole world an inescapable responsibility. In 2018, Alibaba Business School has started to open an international class of International Business, with 168 overseas students from 24 countries enrolled in the program now. Students are deeply touched by the charm of the new economy and are inspired by the opportunities brought by the digital era. We would like to extend our warm welcome to more international students, and we look forward to your joining of the program. Let us embrace digital economic development together!